The females given the contraceptive became overall less appealing to the males than before getting the injection, says Christine Drea, a professor in Duke's evolutionary anthropology department and senior author on the study. 杜克大学进化人类学专业的教授兼本项研究的资深作者克莉丝蒂娜德雷(ChristineDrea)说,相比注射前,注射避孕药物之后的雌性狐猴对雄性狐猴的性吸引大为降低。
One person who knows is Jack Harris, chairman of the anthropology department at Rutgers University, in New Jersey, in the United States. 美国新泽西州拉特格斯大学人类学系主任杰克·哈里斯教授是有这种全会的人之一。
SETTING: Research Group of Anthropology, Department of Anatomy in Dalian Medical University. 单位:大连医科大学解剖学教研室人类学研究组。